CBD Oil: Guide To Clearing Up Some Common Misconceptions

In the quest to maintain good health, people often turn to natural supplements as opposed to artificial or chemical alternatives. The problem arises when there are so many of these natural supplements to choose from.

One supplement making headlines is CBD oil. This oil comes from the cannabis plant. For use, it's diluted using a carrier oil before use. For those who are considering the use of CBD oil but are reluctant because of misinformation, this guide will clear up some facts.

You Will Not Get "High"

Yes, CBD oil does come marijuana plants, but it is not the cannabinoid that causes a high — that is THC. This oil does not contain THC, so it will not get you high.

This oil does not cause any sort of intoxication at all, so it is safe and non-habit forming. You also shouldn't experience any withdrawal effects if you stop taking the product.

Taking CBD oil makes you feel calm and relaxed, but does not cause any mind-altering effects or feeling of being "stoned."

CBD Oil And Drug Testing

Most CBD oil comes from the hemp plant that contains high levels of CBD but the THC content is extremely low and below the legal limit.

This means it is very rare that it would show up on a drug test or blood test. However, in rare cases, if enough THC is present, a test may come back positive.

 CBD Is Not A Miracle Cure 

Studies on CBD oil have shown its potential to help support and maintain good health. It is often used for support in a variety of ailments and conditions.

  • Pain relief
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Side effects of cancer treatment
  • Reduce acne
  • Neuropathic issues
  • Hearth health

This list is just some of the conditions that CBD oil is shown to support. However, keep in mind that while CBD oil may help with these conditions, it is not a cure.

Side Effects Of CBD Oil

Most people find CBD oil tolerable and have very little if any side effects. However, like most supplements, there are side effects that may occur.

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Poor appetite

The oil can also interact with prescription medications. You should discuss the supplement with your doctor before taking it if you have concerns.

If you'd like to try CBD oil to help maintain health and wellness, there is no harm in doing so as long as your doctor is consulted and okays it based on your current health and medications.

To learn more, contact a local CBD supplier.
